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Welcome to the
Puerto Rico Statehood
Action Network

We connect and empower citizen activists at the forefront of the Puerto Rico Statehood movement to take action!


We need your help to make sure that Congress listens to the will of the majority of Puerto Rico's voters that said "YES" to statehood. Sign our petition to help show that people all across the country support statehood for Puerto Rico!


Events & Activities

Pro-Statehood Delegates Urge Congress to Support and Pass HR 2757

June 6, 2023

Delegates from Puerto Rico and around the United States are united in urging Congress to support and pass HR 2757. With this bill, we can finally, once and for all, #LetPuertoRicoDecide and #StopTheColony. Congratulations to all the Delegates, Legislators from Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration for their tireless efforts this week!


Veterans United for Puerto Rico Statehood

May 26, 2023- Washington DC

Ahead of Memorial Day celebrations, 30 veteran and active duty service members wrote a letter to congressional leaders urging them to resolve Puerto Rico’s political status as a matter of national security as well as to honor the sacrifices of all Puerto Rican service members.


May 11, 2023- San Juan, PR

Testified before the Puerto Rico Advisory Committee of the United States Commission of Civil Rights. We spoke about the lack of voting rights in Puerto Rico. We urged the Committee and the Commission to call on Congress to pass legislation to let Puerto Rico decide its future and end the island’s colonial status as a U.S. territory.


Puerto Rico Status Act Reintroduced in Congress

April 20, 2023- Washington D.C.

Today Congress reintroduced the Puerto Rico Status Act. This is a big step forward as we continue the momentum from the last session of Congress with the historic passage of H.R. 8393. Thank you, Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon, Rep. Raul Grijalva, Rep. Steny Hoyer, Rep. Darren Soto, Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Rep. Ritchie Torres, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for reintroducing the bill. Thank you to Rep. Don Bacon and Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar for your support! And finally, thank you to Governor Pierluisi for joining in the reintroduction. Together we must #StopTheColony and #LetPuertoRicoDecide.


February 28, 2023- Washington D.C.

Today at the U.S. Capitol elected officials and community advocates gathered in celebration of  Puerto Rico’s Citizenship Day and to demand Congress put an end to Puerto Rico’s territorial status. Resident Commissioner Jennifer Gonzalez Colon led the event alongside Rep. Darren Soto, Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, Rep. Eric Swalwell, members of Puerto Rico’s shadow delegation, and other legislators and advocates from Puerto Rico.


Feb 9, 2023- Washington D.C.

Today, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a hearing discussing the state of the U.S. territories. We sent a letter to Committee Chairman Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Ranking Member John Barrasso of Wyoming urging the Committee and the Senate to finally resolve Puerto Rico’s political status. Congress must reintroduce the Puerto Rico Status Act to #StopTheColony and #LetPuertoRicoDecide. 


Citizens in Puerto Rico Gather in Public to Support Statehood

January 29, 2023- Carolina, PR

U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico marched in the island's streets in favor of statehood. It is time for Congress to stop delaying a resolution to Puerto Rico’s political status. The people of Puerto Rico are united and ready to become the next state. We must urge Congress to reintroduce the Puerto Rico Status Act and #StopTheColony.


December 15, 2022- Washington D.C.

Success! HR 8393, the Puerto Rico Status Act, has passed the House of Representatives with a bipartisan vote of 233-191. Thank you to all who contributed and participated in making this a reality. Together we can make a difference to #LetPuertoRicoDecide and #StopTheColony.


President Biden Sends a Statement of Support for HR 8393

December 15, 2022- Washington D.C.

President Biden has issued a Statement of Administration Policy in support of H.R. 8393, Puerto Rico Status Act. We thank President Biden for listening to citizen advocates regarding the need to end the territorial status of Puerto Rico. This follows a letter by the PRSAN urging the Administration to support H.R. 8393 back in November, demonstrating the impact of citizen advocacy. Thank you all for your hard work and for believing change is possible as we are moving closer to our goal to #StopTheColony.


Puerto Rico Statehood Action Network Sends a Message to Congress: PASS HR 8393

December 13, 2022- Washington D.C.

The Puerto Rico Statehood Action Network visited the U.S. Capitol today to show our support for H.R. 8393. We must urge Congress to pass the Puerto Rico Status Act and finally let Puerto Rico decide their political future. Let’s stop the colony and keep pushing until the bill is on the House floor.


November 11, 2022

We sent a letter to the Biden Administration emphasizing our support for HR 8393, highlighted by an article by the newspaper El Diario. We pressed the administration to encourage Congress to pass this law and give the citizens of Puerto Rico a chance to decide on three non-territorial options. Also, we encourage them to support the cause. Pass HR 8393 before the end of the year. #StopTheColony

President Joseph R. Biden Visits Puerto Rico

October 3, 2022- Ponce, PR

President Biden's visit to Puerto Rico following the damage caused by Hurricane Fiona was the perfect opportunity to show our support for statehood. Advocates, activists, and civilians united to let President Biden know that the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico want statehood for the island. We urge the President to support HR 8393.


Marching in Support of HR 8393, Puerto Rico Status Act  

Sept 14, 2022- Washington D.C.

Veterans, citizen advocates, and elected officials joined us today to support ending territorial colonialism. We marched from the U.S. Capitol to the World War II Memorial urging Congress to pass H.R. 8393 to bring an end to Puerto Rico’s unjust territory status. Thank you to all who participated with us. Working together, we will finally bring equality to the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico!


Impacting Congress Training Workshop

September 8, 2022- San Juan, PR

Puerto Rico Statehood Action Network had an excellent training workshop today for our ongoing advocacy in Congress. Thank you, Josue E. Rivera, for the invite and to Irma R. Rodriguez, Milly López, and Elisa Muñoz for coordinating this event and everyone involved for advancing the cause for statehood.


Outdoor Event in Puerto Rico in Support of Statehood 

July 27, 2022- San Juan, PR

Puerto Rico Statehood supporters convened to promote an end to Puerto Rico's territorial status. We must implore Congress to back the Puerto Rico Status Act, ending the colonial territory status of the island. Congress must act now! Say yes to HR 8393.


House Natural Resource Committee Approves Puerto Rico Status Act

July 20, 2022 - Washington D.C.

The House Committee of Natural Resources approved H.R. 8393 out of committee. The Puerto Rico Status Act allows Puerto Ricans the opportunity of decolonization. Special thanks to Chairman Raul Grijalva, Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez, Rep. Nydia Velazquez for your hard work. To our fellow statehood network activists, our work here is not done, let’s take H.R. 8393 to the House floor!


Taste of Puerto Rico Festival in Denver, Colorado

June 12, 2022 - Denver, CO

With the help of local Denver newspaper, El Comercio de Colorado, we participated in the Taste of Puerto Rico festival which attracted thousands of Puerto Ricans, other Latinos and the broader community.  We took this opportunity to raise awareness about the lack of equal rights and voting representation of the 3.2 million fellow U.S. citizens living in Puerto Rico today, and to invite Coloradans to tell Congress “End Colonialism in Puerto Rico, Support Statehood.”

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Public Input Forum on Puerto Rico Status Act Discussion Draft

June 4, 2022 - San Juan, PR

Members of the Puerto Rico Statehood Action Network participated and made statements in the Public Input Forum held by the House Natural Resources Committee in Puerto Rico on the recently released discussion draft of the Puerto Rico Status Act. They joined other statehood activists rallying outside to voice their public support for the draft bill.


Patriot's Rally for Equal Rights & Statehood for Puerto Rico

April 28, 2022 - Washington, DC

Veteran supporters of statehood for Puerto Rico held a patriotic rally to demand that Congress and the Biden Administration take action to respect the majority of Puerto Rico's voters who have repeatedly chosen full citizen equality, voting rights and statehood for Puerto Rico. Veterans and allies called on Congress to immediately pass and sign H.R. 1522 or the proposed House compromise bill!


Citizen March Supporting Statehood for Puerto Rico

April 23, 2022 - San Juan, PR

Working in partnership with Sociedad Civil Estadista, a coalition of local grassroots pro-statehood organizations in Puerto Rico, we're organizing this march to activate statehood supporters on the island to send a message to Congress that they need to take action to resolve Puerto Rico’s colonial territory status. We also want to send a message to American tourists and non-Puerto Rican U.S. citizen residents on the island that they are welcome in Puerto Rico and to engage them to support us in our efforts to make the island a state of the Union. This pro-statehood demonstration will stand as a message of Unity, Democracy and Citizen Equality, in direct contrast to the divisive rhetoric of “Gringo Go Home” and desecration of the U.S. flag seen in recent pro-independence/sovereignty demonstrations.


Patriot's Gathering to Celebrate the 65th Infantry Regiment on National Borinqueneers Day

April 13, 2022 - Tampa, FL

Members of the Puerto Rico Statehood Action Network, including Puerto Ricans in Hillsborough County and the National Puerto Rican Equality Coalition, held a “Patriot’s Gathering” in Tampa, Florida, on National Borinqueneers Day, to honor the sacrifices and contributions made by the 65th Infantry Regiment to the U.S. Armed Forces. The event highlighted how Puerto Rico’s status as a territory has led to the unequal and unjust treatment of the U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico, in particular thousands of veterans who have sacrificed greatly in defense of America’s democracy and national security.

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Celebrating Anniversary of U.S. Citizenship for People of Puerto Rico

March 2, 2022 - Washington, DC

Activists from our Network joined Members of Congress in front of the U.S. Capitol to hold a press conference celebrating 105th anniversary of the granting of U.S. citizenship to the people of Puerto Rico.


Message to President Biden Ahead of State of the Union Speech

March 1, 2022 - Washington, DC

Hours before President Biden delivered the State of the Union Speech in front of Congress, we went to the White House to demand that he "Respect Puerto Rico's Statehood Vote".


Demonstration Outside U.S. Senate

February 1, 2022 - Washington, DC

As the Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources held a hearing on U.S. territories. We held a demonstration to send them the message that they must “Respect Puerto Rico’s Statehood Vote!” If Congress really wants to help, they must give Puerto Rico a path to end territorial inequality & disenfranchisement.  Pass legislation to offer statehood for Puerto Rico now!


Statehood for Puerto Rico Supreme Court Demonstration

November 9, 2021 - Washington, DC

The Puerto Rico Statehood Action Network held a demonstration in front of the U.S. Supreme Court for the hearing of the U.S. v Vaello-Madero case. Dozens of statehood supporters were in attendance holding signs calling out the unequal treatment of 3.2 million U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico under the current territory status, and demanding that the Supreme Court and Congress take action to end the injustice and to put Puerto Rico on the path to statehood.


Statehood for Puerto Rico Press Conference

November 9, 2021 - Tampa, FL

The Puerto Rico Statehood Action Network held a press conference with the participation of former Puerto Rico Senate President Charlie Rodriguez among other notable figures. The event highlighted the unequal treatment of Puerto Ricans under territory status and how this connects with communities stateside. Recognizing the importance of federal benefits like Supplemental Security Income which was at the heart of the Vaello-Madero case, the event sent the message that such parity is simply not enough. A majority of voters in Puerto Rico have chosen full equality and democracy through statehood, now Congress must act on that mandate.


Puerto Rico Statehood Advocacy Workshop

November 2, 2021 - Washington, DC

A group of over 50 Puerto Rican youths came to D.C. to advocate for statehood. We collaborated with Congressional Delegate Roberto Lefranc to provide a Puerto Rico statehood activist training workshop with participation by former Gov. Luis G. Fortuño. The workshop helped prepare youth activists for dozens of meetings in Congress which they held the following days. In meeting with both Members and staff activists asked for support and passage of H.R. 1522, the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Act.

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White House Demonstration by Pro-Statehood Women's Group

September 21, 2021 - Washington, DC

A diverse Delegation of Pro-Statehood Women from across Puerto Rico, mothers, grandmothers, university students, some of their spouses and elected officials held a demonstration in front of The White House to demand that Congress & the administration of President Joe Biden “Respect Puerto Rico’s Statehood Vote!”

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Patriots Gathering for Puerto Rican Equality

September 17, 2021 - Orlando, FL

The National Puerto Rican Equality Coalition (NAPREC) hosted a patriots gathering outside to Sen. Marco Rubio's Orlando district office to petition and urge him to support equality for the U. S. citizens of Puerto Rico by cosponsoring the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Act now.


Solidarity with S.O.S. Cuba

July 18, 2021 - Washington, DC

Puerto Rico Statehood advocates joined in solidarity with S.O.S. Cuba demonstration in front of The White House calling for freedom and democracy in Cuba.


4th of July Celebration

July 4, 2021 - Toa Baja, PR

In celebration of the 4th of July, America's Independence Day, Puerto Rico Chose Statehood, working in coordination with the Pro-Statehood Civil Society Coalition, hosted a lively public event in Parque Isla de Cabras featuring local elected leaders, food, music and of course fireworks.


Ahead of House Hearing, Demonstration Tells Congress “Respect Puerto Rico’s Statehood Vote”

June 15, 2021 - Washington, DC

The Puerto Rico Statehood Action Network held a demonstration to send Congress the message, “Respect Puerto Rico’s Statehood Vote.” Held in front of the U.S. Capitol, the demonstration took place one day before the House Natural Resources Committee held a second legislative hearing on a Puerto Rico statehood bill, H.R. 1522, and another bill by statehood opponents, H.R. 2070. Several members of Congress including Rep. Jenniffer González-Colon, Rep. Darren Soto, Rep. Charlie Crist, and Rep. Val Demings, joined the demonstration to express their support.


Official Launch of the National Puerto Rican Equality Coalition

May 31, 2021 - Orlando, FL

The National Puerto Rican Equality Coalition (NAPREC) announced its inauguration through an event in Central Florida with elected officials, such as Congressman Darren Soto, local officials and other community leaders, where it urged the entire Puerto Rican community on both the elected officials and the continental United States to join the movement to fight for full equality for Puerto Ricans.



It takes resources to build and grow the Puerto Rico statehood movement. With your support we can continue to expand advocacy, outreach and education efforts to help bring full democracy and equality to the 3.2 million U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico.

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